Pilot safety and SIV training course – David Eyraud
1st transition to box
Take the correct HEADING immediately! Align 2 reference points to create a straight line in order to head directly towards the requested heading while managing potential drift.
Relax, breathe deeply…
Observe the different landmarks:
At David’s request, make a right ear to confirm radio communication and visual on landing.
Practice making secure “hands up” position (holding onto the risers). “Hands up! Active piloting… Hands up!…”
Observe the brake adjustment: check the “hands up” position:
Find the brake activation point (=contact point):
At the contact point, measure the brake slake (with raised pulley) = security margin.
Locate the stabilizer line = wingtip line (anti-cravat).
Practice grabbing the handle of the reserve parachute: release the brake handle and hold it in the other hand, stay in contact with the risers, carabiner, and harness to grab your reserve handle. Then release it and simulate the motion of extracting and throwing the reserve (throw as far as possible in a single motion).
Cocoon harness: practice the safety position: exaggeratedly spread knees to “plant” them in the cocoon fabric to create a “knee pad” that prevents sliding forward.
Once well-positioned, David will ask: “active piloting mode” and will clearly give instructions to start the 1st exercise.
After an exercise: reposition yourself while listening to the radio debriefing and wait for David’s request before starting the next exercise.
If you find yourself too low, do not perform any exercise: 2 big ears or leg pumps.